Make a Difference!
The Desert Angel is a faith ministry, meaning we are a strictly volunteer organization, funded totally by donations. We have no outside funding and an all-volunteer staff. Your generosity and support is so appreciated.
Whatever you can give makes such a BIG difference!

How We Started
In October 2001, Charles Lunsford, (US Air Force) was serving in the sandbox/desert. It was very primitive conditions and very HOT… Making an air base, one sandbag at a time, with full gear and weapons on their backs…
That fall I invited the “Young Adults” from my church to give back in some way… to show compassion. So, they made goodies, and wrote letters and cards to send to our Troops – this is how Desert Angel began.
The American People DO want to make a difference. People sincerely want to show their love and support for the American troops. We facilitate that desire by providing direction.
Packing ‘Miracle Boxes’ is simple way to reach out and make such a BIG difference to our deployed troops. Just a simple demonstration of the Love of God, multiplied over and over – making a difference in the lives of the sender and receiver, one box at a time.
Kind-hearted generosity and Word of mouth is how
“The Desert Angel” keeps going.
Americans are good hearted people…
They really want to do something to support our Troops, I just show how.