A Message From Louise:

My commitment began in October, 2001. Right after 9/11, God put our Troops on my heart. I have been committed to pray for them and send care packages.. “I” became “we”… We became Desert Angels, Inc.; a 501(c)3 nonprofit ministry. Care packages became “Miracle Boxes” in Oct. 2007.
So many people have helped so many times, in so many different ways to make this possible. I continue to ask for postage..
With great thought and prayer, God put on my heart to just ask for a commitment:
Would you make a monthly commitment to sponsor the postage for 1 or 2 boxes?
The cost to mail each box approximately is $25. If we could get 100 people to commitment to a box monthly, we would have postage to mail 100 “Miracle” boxes the VERY day we pack them!!! That would be a MIRACLE!!
We ARE packing “Miracle” boxes. A Miracle for a “Miracle” box! I LOVE IT!
I would ask you, with your commitment, to write a letter to our Troops, letting them you know you are committed to paid for the postage, to keep shipping the “Miracle Boxes”. They have made a commitment to our country, and some sacrifice their life. Joe Miracle did. For freedom!
We will put your letter in the “Miracle Boxes”. Please include your contact information; the soldier just might correspond back to you. We hope someday to publish the many letters, we have received back from our Troops.
Since 2001, we have collected items, packed items, counted the number of boxes we packed, and then asked for the postage. Praise God! He has always provided!!
I recently got a short, one-sentence email from a soldier: “How can my 42 man unit receive miracle boxes? GARY”
Gary asked me that question.. NOW I ask you… How can we get postage to send 42 “Miracle” boxes to this unit?
If you would like to make a monthly, tax deductible commitment to send
Miracle Boxes to Our Troops, please contact Louise
at [email protected] or call 248-736-6403.
You can also text the code “DESERTANGEL” to 44-321
to create a monthly donation from your phone.
Thank you for your consideration.